AIMS Cares: On-hand to support a mother with the birth of triplets

AIMS Cares: On-hand to support a mother with the birth of triplets

AIMS received another joyful baby case, we take our cases seriously but when it comes to babies we go above and beyond.

We received this case from Allianz Global Assist and were so pleased that like many of our pregnancy cases this was a happy and uneventful one.

In this case the patient was pregnant with triplets and like many, at the time of her pregnancy, hadn’t been able to see her toes for some time! The patient was admitted to Sandton Medi-Clinic in July for back pain that was related to the pregnancy. AIMS was there to assist her in managing her pain relief and also ensured that we monitored the mother and all three babies to ensure they were all in good health.

The patient was admitted to hospital again in August for pre-term labour. On the 15th of August the triplets made their debut at 32 weeks’ gestation, the first baby born was a little girl weighing 1910grams, then her brother at 2110g and finally the last baby boy at 1720grams.

The babies were admitted into the neonatal unit for prematurity. They all did exceptionally well, coping with room air and tolerating their tube feeds.

All three babies required phototherapy but have otherwise had, thankfully, an uneventful ICU stay and were “graduated” to high care.

Soon after that, the triplets developed a suck reflex and were bottle feed in addition to being fed via the nasogastric feed.

The triplets are now home with mom and are doing exceptionally well.

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