AIMS provides medical escort for repatriation to Portugal

AIMS provides medical escort for repatriation to Portugal

We receive a wide range of cases through our operations desk. This is a look at a straightforward and successful medical repatriation process that AIMS provides.

A 71-year-old male patient who suffered a low velocity fall whilst on board a ship in rough seas, was transported to Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital (CBMH) in Cape Town, South Africa, and was diagnosed with a retroperitoneal haematoma. He was managed conservatively with no surgical intervention.

AIMS was there to provide a medical escort to facilitate and assist the patient in returning to his home country. The Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP), pictured in the photo is Lliam Richmond.

How a simple repatriation process was conducted

The medical escort was collected from his private residence and transported to Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital, where on arrival, a pre-flight medical assessment was conducted with the patient.

In the ward, the medical escort found the patient standing, fully dressed and appeared to be well and in good spirits, ready to depart. Given how independent and mobile the patient was, the decision was made to cancel the ambulance transport and rather make use of the AIMS Driver.

The patient and the medical escort departed Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital for Cape Town International Airport, soon thereafter. Finally, the patient’s journey back home began. He was eager and excited to get back to his family in Lisbon.

On arrival at Cape Town International Airport, the patient mobilised without assistance to the check-in counter. Wheelchair assistance was requested and we proceeded through passport control and security to the business class lounge for a short rest and some refreshments. Thereafter the patient was assisted by wheelchair to the door of the aircraft, and was then able to mobilise, unassisted to his seat.

Once seated, the medical escort did his first in-air assessment, and it was noted that there was clear and equal air entry bilaterally on auscultation. There were no adventitious sounds present and heart sounds were normal. The patient did not report any pain or discomfort in the abdomen upon palpation of all four quadrants, and he remained vitally stable during the flight.

The flight to Amsterdam was managed easily and shortly before descending into Amsterdam, breakfast was served and the patient was administered his morning medication.

The patient was able to disembark in Amsterdam and walk the short distance to the terminal building without assistance. Once inside the terminal building, he was assisted to the Business Class lounge to rest before embarking on the final leg of his journey.

When the patient and medical escort arrived in Lisbon, an ambulance was waiting for them. The patient arrived at the hospital, where he would spend a few days awaiting his final evaluation. He was overjoyed to be reunited with his family and complete his recovery.

The medical escort was taken to an airport hotel, where he rested for a few well-deserved hours before his departure back to Cape Town. The medical escort returned to Cape Town International Airport safely, and the mission was completed.

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